Winfrey, who co-produced ‘The Color Purple’ remake and is looking very good as of late, thanks to her amazing weight loss, pointed to her mouth and said, ‘I'm not messing up my lips!’ Picture: Reuters
Hollywood actors Fantasia Barrino, Taraji P. Henson, Danielle Brooks and Oprah Winfrey had very priceless reactions to being served pizza in a bag at the Critics Choice Awards.
‘The Color Purple’ cast were left rather stunned when they were served boxes of charcuterie and pizza slices in a bag.
Oprah Daily captured the moment when the cast’s table was served by a waiter.
Barrino in the clip was heard asking; "Where are the lamb chops?" as she skips out on taking her bag with flatbread.
She couldn’t mess with her impressive figure, now could she?
Winfrey, who co-produced ‘The Color Purple’ remake and is looking very good as of late, thanks to her amazing weight loss, pointed to her mouth and said, "I'm not messing up my lips!"
We don’t blame Ms Winfrey. We all know carbs and pizza are not a good combination. But it was a stark contrast to the Fiji water that was being served all night.
The video on Oprah Daily’s Instagram account has been viewed two million times and fans' reactions are just as funny as the cast's facial expressions.
Rosalynndaniels said: “The first thing that came to mind was NeNe saying ‘the ghetto, the ghetto, honey!’ But seriously, you can’t have people dress up for half a pizza in a bag🥴”
“When you ask for a raise and your company gives you pizza instead 😂” said mamaofgavin.
Lawannarwilson said: “This is why your mother had you eat a little something before you went to an event! 😂😮”
Denised_influencer said: “Not dressed up, with a beautiful table setting just to find out Little Cesar's is on the menu😂”
What’s the worst meal you have been served at an event?
Personally, it was some very dry sushi. I won’t mention the name of the event or the location, but I will say it was at an almost five star place.
IOL Entertainment
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