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It’s that time of the year again when parents and guardians are anxiously waiting their children’s school report as the 2022 academic year draws to an end.
But, schools have been reminded that they could not withhold learner’s report cards if the pupil’s school fees have not been paid in full.
The law that report cards may not be withheld is informed by Section 29 (12) of the National Protocol on Assessments for Grade R to 12, which prohibits public and private schools from withholding report cards for any reason.
The department stated that schools must find alternative measures to communicate with parents and guardians regarding the issue of school fees not being paid in full.
It is also the responsibility of the parents or guardians to make arrangements with the schools regarding payment as learners are entitled to see their report cards which shows the work that they have put in at school throughout the year.
On the Department’s website, it is boldly noted that a learner cannot be excluded from participation in any official school programmes due to non-payment of school fees by the parent and a school may not retain a learner’s report because the parent cannot afford to pay school fees.
According to the Independent Schools Association of South Africa (ISASA), the regulation does not prevent a school from using other means, such as legal action, to obtain fees that may be overdue in terms of the contract between the school and a parent.
It also does not prevent an independent school from excluding a learner for non-payment of fees, provided due process and regulations are followed.