Spend a couple of hours mapping out a revision timetable. Picture: Pexels/Brotin Biswas
Exam stress affects most students in varying ways. It is important to manage this stress and find little ways of helping to eliminate the risk of burn-out.
For some students, exams can be a breeze; revision is second nature to them and they could ace an exam with their eyes closed. But for others, sweaty palms and heart palpitations are just a part of the territory, and it seems that nothing is more impossible than sitting down and revising.
Below is a selection of revision and exam tips from The Higher Education, to help you get through this tricky time.
1. Start early.
The earlier you start, the more prepared you will be.
2. Work out what type of learner you are.
Everyone learns in different ways. Some like colour-coded diagrams, others will be able to learn by reading and copying. Revision can be a highly personal process.
3. Create the best learning environment.
There will be loads of people who will tell you that working in a library is more productive than working from home. Others will say that locking yourself in your room is the only way to revise, it is worth experimenting to find what works for you. Make sure you wear comfortable clothes and have plenty of water and healthy snacks to hand.
4. Be strict.
Eliminate all distractions and stick to your revision timetable as best as you can. Keep your phone away from you, switch off the wi-fi on your laptop if you don’t need the internet, and make sure you have everything you need before you begin, to stop yourself having to get up.
5. Practise, practise, practise.
Past papers are a revising student’s best friend, and if your university or school doesn’t provide them, ask a teacher or lecturer to write a couple of questions down for you. As with anything, practise makes perfect, so keep at it.
Read IOL’s Maths Lit Paper 1 & 2 revision below:
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