'Residents in the Helderberg are scratching their heads and mulling worrying questions around as to what has happened to the once, relatively, peaceful life they have lived here.’ File picture: Supplied
Residents in the Helderberg are scratching their heads and mulling worrying questions around as to what has happened to the once, relatively, peaceful life they have lived here.
We all accept and understand that there will always be some crime and law breaking in Helderberg, but at which point do we say enough is enough?
The changing 'life as we know it' in Helderberg due to development and growth, influx of people from other countries and provinces, and various other reasons, are the new norm of living with all the dangers it has brought us.
But herein lies a very disturbing reality. We are being left at the mercy of these rogue criminals and merciless scoundrels who of late have 'wormed' themselves into our lives, by the neglect of, and absence of our safety, by our Law Enforcement Agencies. There is absolutely no point in contacting any of these agencies, be it SAPS, traffic, safety or other law enforcement units with any complaints, as the general response is always there is operational constraints!
Why is that, we ask? We, the tax and rate payers, give these law enforcement agencies our hard earned money to work for us, to provide security, assistance and a safe space to live in. And yet, time and time again we are being told by these entities that there are not enough resources to deliver services to us. What then are they doing with OUR resources that we give them to be of service to us? When will it dawn on them that they do not work for CoCT, but that CoCT WORK FOR US, the people.
The lack of professionalism, pride and dignity in every department of law enforcement to be of service to the people, is astonishing.
* Emmy Holliday, Somerset West.
** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.
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