
Seven-year-old's dream comes true thanks to Fish Hoek Lions Club

Yolande Du Preez|Published

Thanks to funds raised by the Fish Hoek Lions Club, Reach for a Dream has made a wish come true 7-year-old Iminathi Dziba.

The inaugural Fish Hoek Lions Club Big Walk for Little Warriors - colour edition, took place last month and the club raised R8 000 for Reach for a Dream (“Lions raise R8 000 for Reach for a Dream,” Echo, February 17).

The event was part of the Big Walk for Little Warriors, a national Lions Multiple District 410 project, with Lions clubs across South Africa hosting various walks in support of children battling cancer.

Iminathi Dziba, 7, with Magdalize Myburgh (Princess Elsa) at Sea Point Park.

Image: Supplied

Iminathi of Nyanga has portal vein thrombosis and portal hypertension. Portal vein thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot in the veins of the liver that can lead to portal hypertension. 

Reach for a Dream branch manager Heidi Rowley said Iminathi and her family were picked up from her home on Thursday, February 27, and whisked off to Sea Point where she was met by her favourite Disney princess, Elsa, who presented her with several gifts. The day also included a picnic, a swim, playing in the park, and a professional photoshoot.

Ms Rowley said representatives from the Fish Hoek Lions Club met them in the park and Iminathi was thrilled to have guests joining her special day.

The Reach for a Dream team had also organised an Elsa costume for Iminathi, and Elsa helped her put it on. 

“In Elsa’s presence, her personality truly shone, and she was completely in her element,” said Ms Rowley. 

After the photoshoot, Ms Rowley said, Elsa and representatives of the  Fish Hoek Lions Club revealed her dream surprise: a dollhouse.

Magdalize Myburgh (Princess Elsa), and Iminathi Dziba with her family in the back from left and Fish Hoek Lions Club president Mandy Proctor, Leo Dakota Velleman, Reach for a Dream fieldworker Sanda Ntsengwane, and Lion Brent Proctor.

Image: supplied

Iminathi Dziba in her princess Elsa costume.

Image: Supplied

“The moment she discovered the dollhouse, everyone cheered, and her excitement was unmatched,” said Ms Rowley, adding that Iminathi’s dream day was one of laughter, love, and unforgettable moments, made possible by kindness and generosity.

 “On behalf of Reach For A Dream, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Fish Hoek Lions Club for making Iminathi’s dream a reality through the generous funding from their colour run,” she said.