JOHANNESBURG - South Africa's insurance company, Old Mutual iWYZE is being applauded on Twitter for their latest advert which appears to be a direct troll on rival insurance company Santam.
Watch the Santam advert below:
Does your insurer have the capabilities to cover just about anything? Switch to the short-term insurer with the most satisfied clients.
— Santam Insurance (@SantamInsurance) October 8, 2019
Does your insurer have the capabilities to cover just about anything? Switch to the short-term insurer with the most satisfied clients.
— Santam Insurance (@SantamInsurance) October 8, 2019
Now watch the Iwize advert below:
Wow!!! Ya’ll seen this??? 😂 iWyze just clowned Santam for that say “i” ad? 🤯 what a funny rebuttal 😂😂😂😂
Take a look at what people had to say about the adverts on Twitter below:
This is silence attack... Can someone check up santam? 😂😂😂😂😂 Iwyze is doing justice, I can't deal 🤣🤣🤣🤣⚖️
— Daniel Marven (@danielmarven) October 16, 2019
Let me walk blind as if I didn't see that Iwyze ad throwing shades on santam 😂😂😂🤣
— Daniel Marven (@danielmarven) October 16, 2019
“i Spy with my little eye....” a fire clap back from iWyze. Is Santam okay there 😂😂😂
Bruh.. Old Mutual is cruel with this one. Look at that direct L handed to Santam by Old Mutual iWyze. 😂🤣
— Theo™ (@My_Wonder_SA) October 16, 2019
I sense the Nandos team was behind this 😂😂
— Mahlubandile Meleni (@LordAce_Meleni) October 16, 2019
%%%twitter">@LesleyAnnBrandtsay I. 🙌 And if you're here for insurance - #SayiWYZE! 😏 Find out more here:
— Old Mutual iWYZE (@iwyze)
South Africa's insurance company, Old Mutual iWYZE is being applauded on Twitter for their latest advert.
Santam offices. File Image: IOL