Beyond skills and expertise: The essential role of connectivity in ecosystem growth

Connectivity is the lifeblood of innovation, says the author. Photo: Galina Nelyubova/ Unsplash

Connectivity is the lifeblood of innovation, says the author. Photo: Galina Nelyubova/ Unsplash

Published Sep 3, 2024


Connectivity is the lifeblood of innovation. Yet, in an ecosystem burdened by trust deficits, access gaps, fragmented markets and opaque power structures, building and leveraging networks is anything but straightforward.

Leadership at all levels, particularly at the executive tier, must prioritise a continuous activation of high-value connections—both local and global—to unlock the full potential of Africa’s digital and mainstream economies.

However, this need for robust networks presents its own set of challenges. Africa’s vast and culturally diverse markets face numerous geopolitical risks, regulatory complexities and an uneven distribution of critical knowledge and opportunities. So, how do we, as African and Africa-focused ecosystem innovators, foster collaboration and navigate this intricate terrain?

The answer lies in mainstreaming connectivity as a core discipline — an everyday practice, rather than a once-off exercise. This approach is not just about increasing access to resources; it involves cultivating goodwill and trust, leveraging expertise and maintaining a strategic command of relationships and reputational capital. The moral: Build and leverage your connectivity.

Strategic playbook

At the heart of this thinking is a connectivity framework that’s been bouncing around on my whiteboard for the past few months — a riff on entrepreneur Steven Bartlett’sFive-Bucket Framework: Skills → Expertise → Acquired Resources → Connectivity. I’m proposing this guiding concept for anyone seeking to drive entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship on the continent.

Too often, professionals focus solely on gathering knowledge, developing skills, acquiring genuine expertise, and amassing resources, neglecting to invest in cultivating their networks — a critical oversight. Equally, some delay investing in connectivity, missing key opportunities for growth and collaboration.

To address this, I challenge leaders (especially) to recognise connectivity as a vital driver of innovation and growth within their organisations and to serve as role models for their growth units. Here’s the playbook:

Content-driven relationship building: Engage consistently and meaningfully through content creation and ecosystem participation. This isn't about vanity metrics; it’s about fostering genuine relationships and creating a shared repository of insights for collective growth.

Leveraging networks: Use this repository to expand personal and institutional relationships, generating new opportunities for collaboration. Your network evolves from a mere collection of contacts to a dynamic ecosystem that drives both predictable and serendipitous outcomes.

Market intelligence: Maintain continuous market listening and intelligence gathering. This practice informs executive decision-making and strengthens your network’s ability to adapt and thrive in an unpredictable market.

This playbook positions connectivity not as a passive asset but as an active, strategic tool — one that must be nurtured deliberately and consistently.

Drawing on network theory

My thinking is deeply influenced by network theory, as explored by organisations like Converge and Small Foundation. Their practice provides crucial insights into how network performance can be understood and nurtured for long-term impact.

As highlighted in the first episode of the Alive & Learning podcast by co-hosts Carri Munn and Elsa Henderson and on-mic producer Nonzwakazi Adonisi, a “living systems” approach invites us to view organisations and networks as dynamic, interconnected ecosystems rather than mechanical systems. This perspective emphasises relationships, emergence and co-creation as essential elements in achieving lasting change in complex environments.

Healthy networks display signs of emergence — desirable experiences, qualities and behaviours that arise from the dynamic interrelations among their components. These emergent qualities are more than the sum of individual parts. Just as a human is not merely the sum of organs but an interconnected organism, networks thrive through the interplay of diverse participants. Therefore, a network’s health is reflected in its capacity for emergence, which drives systemic health and adaptability.

Network coordination

In this equation, the distinctive role of the network coordinator is pivotal. They act as gardeners, tending to the soil of the network, adapting to changing conditions and cultivating an environment where connections can flourish. While their work is often behind the scenes, it is essential for creating conditions in which members can thrive. The network coordinator fosters community, aligns motivations and facilitates collaborations that drive change. Shout out to all the network coordinators out there!

Ritual micro-actions

I posit that for a solid foundation in network development to take shape, mainstreaming a culture that prioritises connectivity is crucial — not just at a strategic organisational level. This requires the widespread adoption of ritual micro-actions — small, consistent practices that build this foundation. It means embedding connectivity into the daily routines of both individuals and organisational structures, from founder branding and media asset development to ritualised ecosystem engagement.

Online offline

A recent offline discussion with Tayo Akinyemi, host and producer of The Trajectory Africa podcast, and David Ogundeko, the founder and CEO of Funema, a venture-building organisation committed to empowering tech founders and small business entrepreneurs in addressing developmental challenges, highlighted the critical importance of investing in “sovereign” media assets — those owned and controlled by the individual or organisation.

Such investment should be complemented by backing open-source content collaborations and ecosystem engagement platforms that are deliberately protected from the influence of special interests.

This, combined with intentional stakeholder engagement both online and offline, ensures long-term visibility and impact, shifting us from a mere "zero noise" culture towards purposeful, values-driven connectivity. By embracing these practices — whether through content-driven relationship building, prioritising local and continent-wide ritual exchange or extending team members the agency and means to serve as live network nodes — we unlock the true potential of connectivity.

Connectivity is not merely a byproduct of business; it’s a deliberate, daily practice that fuels Africa’s innovation engine. By applying insights from network theory to mainstream this culture, we lay the foundation for sustainable growth and impact across the continent’s digital and mainstream economies. The success of Africa’s innovation ecosystem depends on it.

Andile Masuku

Andile Masuku is the co-founder and executive producer at African Tech Roundup and head of community at Africa-focused early-stage tech investor Founders Factory Africa. Connect and engage with Andile on X (@MasukuAndile) and via LinkedIn.