Tough road ahead for new labour minister, MISA says

SA’s new Minister of Employment and Labour, Nomakhosazana Meth. Picture: Supplied.

SA’s new Minister of Employment and Labour, Nomakhosazana Meth. Picture: Supplied.

Published Jul 2, 2024


Nomakhosazana Meth, who was appointed South Africa’s new minister of Employment and Labour during President Cyril Ramaphosa’s first cabinet reshuffle under the government of national unity (GNU), will have “to hit the ground running”, says the CEO of the Motor Industry Staff Association (MISA).

Given the country’s unemployment rate, which rose to 33% during the first quarter of 2024, the new minister certainly has her work cut out for her.

Martlé Keyter, CEO of MISA, said it was highly concerning that the unemployment rate among young female South Africans had risen to an estimated 49.4%.

“South Africa remains the most unequal country in the world. Recent studies have shown that starvation is stealthily stalking South Africa, sweeping through cities and rural villages where some people are dying of malnutrition,” Keyter said.

“The minister will have to hit the ground running.

“In 2023, an estimated 15% of the country’s population (9.4 million) experienced hunger. MISA believes the only way to address these issues is to create decent, sustainable jobs.”

Keyter reiterated that MISA, which has over 65,000 members in the retail motor sector, would support the new minister of Labour and Employment in all of her efforts.

Nomakhosazana Meth previously served as the Eastern Cape’s Health MEC from 2021. Prior to that she was the MEC for Rural Development and Agrarian Reform. She has an Honours in Public Administration from the University of Fort Hare.


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