On this day in history, August 17

Remains of the Berlin Wall at the Wall Memorial. Fifty years ago Peter Fechter, one of the first victims of the Wall, died after he was shot by East German border guards while trying to cross the Wall. Picture: AFP

Remains of the Berlin Wall at the Wall Memorial. Fifty years ago Peter Fechter, one of the first victims of the Wall, died after he was shot by East German border guards while trying to cross the Wall. Picture: AFP

Published Aug 17, 2023


Significant and interesting snippets of news with a South African angle, from this day in history.

1585 The first group of colonists sent by Sir Walter Raleigh lands in the New World to create Roanoke Colony on the island of the same name, off North Carolina.

1590 The governor of Roanoke Island colony, John White, returns from England to find no trace of the colonists he left 3 years earlier.

1661 The French Superintendent of Finances, Nicolas Fouquet, throws one of the grandest and most opulent parties ever seen in France, appalling King Louis XIV and leading to Fouquet’s arrest for embezzlement.

1903 Joe Pulitzer gives $1 million to Columbia University. So begins the Pulitzer Prize.

1945 Korea is divided into North and South Korea along the 38th parallel.

1946 Prominent anti-apartheid activist John James Issel is born in Worcester. At the age of 13 he organises and leads a protest against the ‘dop system’ and low wages. (Even after the end of white-minority rule, vineyards were known for inhuman labour conditions, including the notorious ‘dop system’ in which alcoholism was promoted among workers who were given wine in lieu of pay.)

1962 German bricklayer Peter Fechter, 18, is shot trying to cross the Berlin Wall from East Berlin to West Berlin. Hit in the hip, he falls back into the ‘death strip’ and slowly bleeds to death, watched by hundreds of people on both sides of the wall, who listen to his screams. A year before, on August 13, 1961, the East German authorities abruptly closed the border and began construction of the Berlin Wall, effectively separating Fechter and his family from his sister in West Berlin. The Berlin Wall Foundation estimates that about 650 people fell victim to the border regime.

1982 Ruth First, journalist, academic and a prominent anti-apartheid activist, is assassinated in Maputo by a parcel bomb, sent by the South African Police.

2008 American swimmer Michael Phelps becomes the first person to win eight gold medals at one Olympic Games.

2012 Moscow bans gay pride events for a century.

2017 A van is driven into pedestrians in Barcelona, Spain, killing 14 people.

2019 A suicide bombing at a wedding in Kabul, Afghanistan, kills 63 people, with over 200 injured. The Islamic State claims responsibility.

2022 China issues its highest red-alert heat warning for at least 138 cities and counties amid the country's longest heatwave (64 days) since records began.

2022 The UK's inflation rate rises to a new 40-year high of 10.1%, with food costs the largest contributor.