Survey tracks population density of leopard

The Cape Leopard Trust survey, which spanned an area of over 1600 km2 of rugged Cederberg landscape, identified about 37 different adult cats on the 67 camera stations placed along jeep tracks and hiking trails in the region. Picture: Cape Leopard Trust

The Cape Leopard Trust survey, which spanned an area of over 1600 km2 of rugged Cederberg landscape, identified about 37 different adult cats on the 67 camera stations placed along jeep tracks and hiking trails in the region. Picture: Cape Leopard Trust

Published Jun 11, 2024


Analysis is now under way to obtain an updated estimate of the leopard population density in the Cederberg region after the Cape Leopard Trust research team survey identified 37 different adult cats so far.

The Cape Leopard Trust research team’s large-scale survey of the Cederberg spanned an area of over 1 600km2 of rugged landscape, and ran from June to December 2023.

Sixty-seven paired camera stations were placed along jeep tracks and hiking trails in this region of mostly pristine montane fynbos habitat consisting of provincial and private nature reserves, commercial and guest farms, and communal lands.

“The research team has finished sifting through the more than 240 000 photos with the help of WildID – an online machine learning programme that semi-automates the process of identifying and labelling the species in each of these images.

“This helps immensely, especially considering that a whopping 29 000 of these images were of humans – mainly researchers servicing the cameras, as well as hiker and trail runner legs,” the trust said in a statement.

Initial results from the survey indicate good species diversity with at least 29 mammal species recorded – mostly native wild species like genet, mongoose, honey badger, aardvark and aardwolf.

The species encountered most often were baboon, rock hyrax (dassie), klipspringer and grey rhebuck.

As usual, the cameras also recorded several bird species, including spotted eagle-owl, rock kestrel, hamerkop and South African shelduck.

After 22 weeks of data collection, the survey recorded leopards at 60 of the 67 camera locations – a success rate of 90%.

Using the pattern recognition software of African Carnivore Wildbook as well as observer confirmation by eye, the just over 860 identifiable leopard images were inspected to individually ID leopards.

About 37 different adult cats have been identified so far.

“These identikits were also compared to photos from our previous Cederberg survey conducted in 2017 to 2018, and encouragingly, nine of the leopards recorded then were photographed again in 2023,” the trust said.

“Analyses are now getting under way to obtain an updated estimate of the leopard population density in the region.

“This will be compared to previous estimates to enable us to track changes in the Cederberg leopard population over time, and to inform any necessary conservation interventions in partnership with the local community and conservation organisations.”

The Cederberg survey was not without its challenges, with unprecedented floods, snow, heat, and veld fires all taking turns to complicate life for the field teams.

“Our immense gratitude goes to CapeNature, who provided a huge amount of logistical support and assistance with the 26 camera stations falling within the Algeria, Matjiesrivier and Kliphuis Nature Reserves. The remaining 41 stations were located on private properties involving 15 different landowners.

“As always, we are extremely grateful for the willing participation of landowners in granting us access to do our research, and in some cases even assisting us with fieldwork by servicing the cameras on their property, like Bushmans Kloof. Many establishments also supported the research team with sponsored and discounted accommodation.”

The CLT’s research in the Cederberg is made possible by funding from Jamma International.

Cape Times

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