Violent, Europe-shopping EFF is nothing but a brigade of tyrants

If the EFF was really standing for what it claims it is, namely freedom, then it would simply demand a national referendum or legitimately call for early elections, without limiting anyone’s political rights, says the writer. Picture: ANA Archives

If the EFF was really standing for what it claims it is, namely freedom, then it would simply demand a national referendum or legitimately call for early elections, without limiting anyone’s political rights, says the writer. Picture: ANA Archives

Published Mar 20, 2023


Pumlani Majavu

Cape Town - The party that identifies itself as one for “freedom fighters” is, in fact, a minority political party evidently against the very idea of freedom and liberty. Similar to all such political entities, it relies on violence and various forms of dictatorships to coerce society into its forever- changing political whims.

If this party was really standing for what it claims it is, namely freedom, then it would simply demand a national referendum or legitimately call for early elections, without limiting anyone’s political rights.

But since they know that the majority of the country’s citizens are rational and logical human beings, the EFF, like the tyrants before them, always opts to try to coerce all of us into its politically bankrupt abyss.

The party is actually a party of racial violence. And, of course, the people who really suffer from political and economic violence are by and large black people, particularly black women.

Violence, after all, has historically been raced and gendered. Hence in South Africa, the majority of people without jobs are black women. And most people who are tortured and raped are black women.

Obviously, violence always undoubtedly takes place in the zones that are regarded, to quote Fanon, “for non-beings”. In the past, these places were officially called “native units”.

These are the places where blacks have been conditioned to slaughter one another. The slaughtering of blacks reflects, amongst other things, the entrenched ideology that black life does not matter.

The message from the party in red gear is that black lives never mattered, and they should continue not to matter. Malema, of course, resides in a nice zone of being, with his family. His kids probably play video games while the kids in that other zone will, in all likelihood, be learning to navigate the real life of bloody violence.

Of course all lives should matter, but in South Africa political violence has always reflected the sad reality that black life is worthless.

Hence even during the July 2021 political chaos that was supposedly for freedom, it was black people who died; it was black people who lost their jobs; it was black people who days later had to travel long distances to get food and medicine from faraway places because the facilities in their zones had been burnt down.

The people who agitated for that violence against black people mostly continued to enjoy their lives of privilege.

Malema, forever the privileged tyrant, will also enjoy ruining black lives. This, after all, is a patriarch, who parties in Europe and wears European designer clothes.

Before him, other African tyrants also shopped in Europe while screwing blacks in Africa in the name of freedom and liberation.

Dr Majavu teaches politics studies and international relations at North West University. It goes without saying that he is not the spokesperson of any institution.

Cape Times

* The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of IOL or Independent Media.