Fear can be a tool for growth if you look past it

Anolene Thangavelu Pillay is a Psychology Advisor. | Supplied

Anolene Thangavelu Pillay is a Psychology Advisor. | Supplied

Published Jul 14, 2024



Fear, a natural and irreducible response to the unknown, is a part of real existence. Our mind equates unknowns with threats, which is why our anxiety avoids fearful thoughts.

Fear and anxiety are closely linked, and individuals often misunderstand past or future anxieties as being uncontrollable. It is evident that a person’s perspective has a direct impact on their ability to control, confront, rationalise and navigate fear pro-actively.

The distinction is that our conscious fears are known to us while our unconscious fears are unknown, hidden in our subconscious and only come to light when we acknowledge them. This article offers insights into strategies to move beyond fearful thinking.

Fearlessness is a journey that can only be paved through the choices you choose on your journey to growth as you transform fear into freedom.

The mind’s concept of a miracle is based on its own logic which is determined by the focus of our thoughts. Our thought patterns have the power to haunt us the most.

Especially, when we allow our mind to consider those agitated memories, judgements and predictions. To minimise fear-based concerns and escape the trap of revisiting real or imaginary fears, why not view your thoughts as separate from yourself?

The reality is, that we are not our thoughts – our thoughts are a part of our human experience. Our thoughts are only a part of who we are, not the sum of who we are. Having this perspective opens up a new level of freedom to pursue new ideas.

However, our actions are the key to bringing things to fruition, not our thoughts. Fear can cause us to doubt ourselves, and question our capabilities or self-worth which can derail us from reaching our life’s aspirations. Yet, fear is not a natural trait that can control us, but rather a learned behaviour that can be unlearned.

Have you questioned why some individuals seem unmoved by challenges whereas others crumble at the slightest hint of fear? Their primary focus is on the actual facts, not the fabricated narratives. In essence, life teaches us that the key is in how we choose to meet each moment.

Consider fear as a tool for growth using a transformative lens. Ask yourself: what lessons has fear taught you about your areas for improvement, values and limitations? Reframe your thinking to move beyond your horizons. Transform your mindset from, ‘I cannot’ to ‘I can’ accomplish anything I set my mind to - transform fear into determination.

Living in the now, we are almost observing using a camera lens as we focus on and capture what is in front of us. The background and foreground are less important as they appear blurred.

Commit to appreciate the divine in the present moment not the shadows of yesterday or the unknowns of tomorrow. Fear is a creation of an individualistic mindset with certain beliefs, judgements and perceptions that we have the power to change.

It is crucial to differentiate between what we can and what we cannot control. Become enthusiastic about better understanding the natural order of the world and work towards it, not against it. You redirect your energy to focus on your thoughts, actions and reactions within your control.

Accept, what you cannot control which includes the actions of others, time passing and change allows you to embrace your fears with acceptance. Despite any fears, vision is the driving force that keeps you moving forward. However, anticipation and vision are needed ingredients to fight the fear of the unknown.

Courage lies not in the absence of fear but in taking steps to expose yourself despite the fear being present. Learning to be courageous in small doses is a leap closer to a fearless life. With a courageous heart, you can endure both real and imaginary deep-seated fears and uncover joy in the journey itself.

Create enduring happiness that isn’t swayed by the winds of fortune. Consider the potential negative effects on your emotional, physical and financial well-being. Understand the real impact they may have and recognise the cost of allowing them to control your actions.

Consider fears as opportunities to develop strength and abilities not as hindrances to development. Disengage from anything that triggers emotional anxiety - choose to focus on the positive aspects of each fear. Your focus can shift from fear to a balanced perspective with this positive mindset, even during challenging times.

Fears can be magnified by the human mind’s mysterious power, making them appear taxing.

Humans tend to ruminate about the darkest fears and obsess over horrid, overwhelming thoughts which often results in heightened anxiety. Even though we unconsciously fan the flames of fear, an interesting formula to make your unconscious fears known is to fearlessly make them conscious of you.

Anolene Thangavelu Pillay is a psychology advisor.

Daily News