WATCH: Minnie Dlamini on producing ‘groundbreaking’ content

Minnie Dlamini. Picture: Instagram

Minnie Dlamini. Picture: Instagram

Published Sep 29, 2022


South Africa’s sweetheart Minnie Dlamini has dipped her hands in many projects over the years, but she is most proud of her production company, Beautiful Day Productions.

Dlamini, who spent many years in front of the camera, told YouTuber Nono D on her series “InShot” that she wasn’t afraid of getting her hands dirty when trying to learn everything she could about the world behind the camera.

“I’ve always wanted to produce, to create movies and television. I believe that there’s a way we can shape society through art, whether it’s through having conversations that’s taboo or enlightening a community about what’s actually going on in a certain space.

”That’s always been my passion, whether I was in front or behind the camera. I remember when I started out after winning the presenter search. I dropped out of university and I had nothing to do except be on TV on a Friday night for an hour.

“I decided to intern at the production house that produced my show. I use to run around, grab coffees for everyone and then I said to them, ‘Guys, I can totally do more...’

“Eventually, I ended up writing the script for the show, booking the artists and being part of the creative meeting of how the show was going to run.”

She said that was when her love for production really began.

“I started running around with the camera on my shoulder. I remember one day we were interviewing Zola (7) and he asked me what I was doing behind the camera, wasn’t I supposed to be interviewing him.

“And I told him that I was just the assistant today. And I remember that it confused so many different people. I really wasn’t afraid to get my hands dirty. ”

Dlamini said she was so hungry to learn that she was never fazed by people thinking, “Oh, that’s Minnie Dlamini.”

“I was just so hungry and eager to learn. And over the years, being on different productions, I always liked to put my ear in spaces that didn’t concern me, but just to learn and be more understanding of the process.”

Dlamini registered her production company in 2012 but it was not until 2016 that she decided to produce her first bit of content, which was her wedding special, “Becoming Mrs Jones”, that went on to become the most-watched show in Showmax’s history at the time.

She has not stopped producing since.

“I really started getting itchy to sink my teeth into film and I finally got the opportunity to do that last year, I produced two films, ‘Goodbye Gogo’ and ‘No Love Lost’. It was just an incredible experience.”

She explained that outside of TV broadcasts, the company also does digital campaigns for major brands like Jaguar.

“We have our fingers in a lot of different pies, trying to make things work. I am excited to be working on projects that I love and am excited about.

“I’m excited to be creating groundbreaking content that involves everyday people, how do we put ourselves on screen, celebrate who we are, and those are the things always at the back of my mind.”

Speaking about the representation of African women in media, Dlamini shared that she didn’t feel like they were represented enough.

“I think we’ve got a long way to go, but one thing that gets me really excited about the space that we’re in, especially on camera, is that if you look at a lot of the shows that are coming on South African television, a lot of them have strong female leads and strong female casts.

“That’s something the US is struggling with, finding those incredible roles for strong black women, and we have those in bucket loads.

“I get to be a part of creating content that celebrates South African women, so I think that we’re not there yet, but we are well on our way, and we definitely own that from a global perspective, and who not better to do that than we here on the African continent.”

Other topics Dlamini spoke of was her skincare range, MD, which was liquidated. “Things happen, you work with people, it doesn’t always end well. It was a great learning curve for me. I learnt the hard way, but I learnt it,” she said.

She also let slip that she does in fact have another brand out on the market that does not have her name on it, nor does anyone know she is involved with it.

“It’s been sold out in the stores it has been in. We have a lot of interest from other retailers and it will be announced in the next couple of weeks.”

Speaking of the legacy she’d like to leave behind, she said: “I looked at the women who walked before me, they have inspired me to be where I am… There is no time frame, no time limits and no restrictions… I want people to look at me and say, ‘What, she did, and if she could do it, I can’.

“I want the next generation to be better, stronger, richer, more successful because I was there, because I showed them that it can be done, just like the women before me did.“

Watch the full interview below.