Fans believe Minnie Dlamini’s ‘today’s news could’ve easily been me’ tweet is a cry for help

TV personality Minnie Dlamini. Picture: Instagram

TV personality Minnie Dlamini. Picture: Instagram

Published Feb 24, 2022


When the news of rapper Riky Rick's death hit, it left many heartbroken and in disbelief.

Many took to social media to celebrate the fashion icon and bemoaned and denounced cyberbullying – something that TV personality Minnie Dlamini felt she could relate strongly to.

Minnie recently announced that she and her husband of more than four years, Quinton Jones, had filed for divorce.

After the announcement, Minnie trended for days as many people demanded details of the divorce and even proposed a documentary titled, Unbecoming Mrs Jones.

Minnie has since broken her silence on social media after the announcement and shared her current state. She said: “I won’t tell a word of a lie, I am broken! Today’s news could’ve easily been me.”

The personality received a flood of responses from concerned followers after taking to Twitter to express her dismay.

Many fans believed that this might be a cry for help, while others believed it was sounding the alarm against those who choose to cyberbully.

— Minnie Dlamini (@MinnieDlamini) February 23, 2022

When people get married, the hope is to stay together until death do them apart. Unfortunately, regardless of how much people love each other, sometimes things just don't work out.

Going through a divorce can be emotionally taxing and it comes with challenges that can be overwhelming.

Reports indicate that even in the age of the fault-free divorce and the prenup, almost half of those who go through a marriage break-up believe their lives are damaged by the stigma.

Studies show that women are twice as likely as men to feel shame after divorce. Nearly a third of divorcees try to stave off the break-up for as long as they can because they believe a marriage should be for ever.

According to the stats, most people in South Africa have multiple reasons for divorce, but most of them aren’t specifically referencing the pandemic. The most popular single reason, cited by 16% of respondents, is: "There is no love, respect or affection between the parties."

For many celebrities, dealing with divorce becomes that much harder because of the eyes that are glued on them.

Radio personality Unathi Nkayi admitted to battling with clinical depression while going through a divorce from Metro FM radio personality Thomas “Bad Boy T” Msengana.

In the memoir, she opens up about the dark days when she used to consume alcohol every day to cope and survive.

“I had to time it very well. My kids’ bedtime was 8.30pm, so I would drink from that time and make sure I was sober by 5am when they woke up. I needed to be sober for them and the listeners on Metro FM. I didn’t want my children to see me at my lowest. Through my experience I’ve learnt that it’s okay to not be okay,” she said.

Through it all, she said therapy has helped her a lot.

“I started seeing a therapist in 2017 and to this day I still consult every two weeks. It has been my journey of healing. I am encouraging everyone to see a therapist, it’s the best thing one can do for oneself,” she said

A divorce is a highly stressful, life-changing event. When you’re going through the emotional wringer and dealing with major life changes, it’s more important than ever to take care of yourself. The strain and upset of a major break-up can leave you psychologically and physically vulnerable.