What not to do on a first date

First impressions last. Picture: Cottonbro Studio

First impressions last. Picture: Cottonbro Studio

Published Jul 23, 2023


First dates can be daunting.

Whether the person slid into your DMs or you connected on a dating app, the first date is the one chance you get to make a lasting impression and create a foundation for what both parties would want to turn into a potential romantic relationship.

The last thing you want at the end of a date is for the other person to say, “Let’s just be friends”.

While there’s nothing that can create a spark between two people where there simply isn’t any, there are ways to ensure that a date isn’t a complete disaster.

Here’s what not to do on a first date.

Don’t be late

Besides being disrespectful, arriving late will give your date the impression that you are not really interested. This immediately sets a negative tone for the rest of the date.

To be on the safe side, rather be 10 minutes earlier. This will give you time to pick a table and compose yourself.

You’re not the main character

When on a first date the aim is to get to know the other person. This doesn’t mean that you should talk about yourself all the time.

It’s about engaging in conversation and sharing thoughts and interests. Show interest in what the person is saying by actively listening. This shows that you’re a good listener as well.

Pay attention to the next person. Picture: Pexels Katerina Holmes

Be mindful of how you treat staff

If you’re out at a restaurant, do not treat the staff poorly. How you treat the next person says a lot about your character.

There’s never a need to be rude or disrespectful to anyone. In doing so, you show the person you’re with that you lack basic social skills.

Don’t get drunk

It’s perfectly normal to want to have a glass of wine with your meal but don’t go overboard and have an entire bottle.

Drinking way too much can lead to inappropriate behaviour and possibly over-sharing. The last thing you want is to pour your heart out.

It’s fine to have a glass of wine with dinner. Picture: Cottonbro Studio

Don’t bring up controversial topics

There are certain things that one simply doesn’t talk about on a first date. This includes politics, sex and religion.

Another topic you want to avoid is ex-relationships. No one wants to know about your messy breakups.

Don’t constantly look at your phone

Using your phone during a date sends a message that you are not fully present or interested in getting to know the person. Keep your phone on silent or in your pocket or handbag throughout the evening.

Leave your phone in your handbag. Picture: Pexels Cottonbro Studio