Playing is a form of physical activity that has significant health benefits for children. Playing is a form of physical activity that has significant health benefits for children.
Over the past five weeks, NESTLÉ NESPRAY has been sharing tricks and tips to equip parents with knowledge on how to strengthen and maintain their children’s immune system. It has been a journey birthed out of NESTLÉ NESPRAY’s commitment to enhance the quality of life for school- age children. The Level Up Their Immunity campaign has listed five pillars; namely a Healthy Diet, Adequate Sleep, Exercise, Relaxing and Playing as some of the various ways that help parents level up their children’s immunity.
Playing is a form of physical activity that has significant health benefits for children. This activity is beyond exercise and is done during leisure time. This can be done through guidance and then allowing kids to play independently. Children practice social skills when given opportunities to connect in real time with their peers. Studies show children burn more calories when playing which helps to prevent obesity as well as strengthen bones and muscles.
Playing in the sun builds vitamin D in the body, which means stronger bones and less likelihood of chronic diseases. This is why in this week’s level up topic, NESTLÉ NESPRAY encourages parents to Level Up Their Immunity Through Play.
The Covid-19 pandemic has required of families to make the most of their time together through various activities such as playing and being active in restricted spaces. With the current lockdown regulations in South Africa, children are now able to enjoy play time with their friends and parents are required to put in place necessary precautionary measures to ensure safety for the little ones. Children are required to wear masks, sanitize and wash their hands regularly during play time.
The five tips shared over the five weeks combined with a recommended glass of NESTLÉ NESPRAY FortiGrow which carries all the minerals and nutritional benefits needed by school-going children will ensure that every child is mentally and physically fit.
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