‘It’s a sad day’, says Panyaza Lesufi after Chris Hani’s killer Janusz Walus is released on parole

Polish immigrant Janusz Walus listens to a statements read during a TRC hearing, in Pretoria, South African. File Photo: AP Photo/Joao Silva

Polish immigrant Janusz Walus listens to a statements read during a TRC hearing, in Pretoria, South African. File Photo: AP Photo/Joao Silva

Published Dec 7, 2022


Pretoria – The release of Janusz Walus, who killed SACP leader Chris Hani, has been met with harsh criticism from the public and various political leaders.

Speaking about Walus’s release, Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi said it was a sad day.

“Those who knew who Chris Hani was, and that know his role was in being where we are today, will know that that murderer doesn’t deserve to be out of prison, but if the decision is taken by the court we will respect it.

“The minister tried. He’s the one that took the matter to court and the decision was overtaken by the Constitutional Court... We are disappointed, hugely, hugely disappointed, to be honest,” Lesufi said.

Walus’s release comes after Justice and Correctional Services Minister Ronald Lamola placed the assassin on parole as directed by the Constitutional Court during a judgment handed on November 21.

He was released on Wednesday on parole after spending nearly three decades behind bars for the April 1993 murder.

The SACP echoed Lesufi’s sentiments and added that, together with its allies and other interested South Africans, they would continue with their programme of mass mobilisation.

“We will not be deterred. We are continuing with our 135-day programme of action up to April 10, 2023, the 30th anniversary of the commemoration of Chris Hani,” said the SACP.

The party said that, together with the Hani family, they had filed papers with the Constitutional Court to reconsider and rescind its decision. They also filed papers with the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights as part of the legal avenues in seeking justice.

IOL reached out to Chris Hani’s widow, Limpho, but she would not speak.

“I’ve been talking about Walus for the last 13 years. What do you expect me to say? No comment,” she said before hanging up.

Limpho has been captured several times expressing her anger over the release of her husband’s killer.

On the last video circulating on social media, Limpho reacted angrily to a priest who spoke about forgiveness.

“Mama, we request that you forgive him. God will deal with him,” said the priest.

“No, no, no, no. He is talking nonsense. Let me tell you … No, you are talking nonsense. I want to say it on TV. He is a priest. I am the one who lost a husband. He has not lost a husband and he has no right, nobody has got the right, to tell me to forgive.

“It’s my feelings. I lost a husband. He has not lost a husband, so bullsh*t with him saying I should forgive.”