The Perils of the Democratic Alliance’s Public Works Policies: A Concern for South Africa’s Future

Published Jul 25, 2024


By Bayethe Msimang

In a scene that could have been plucked from the annals of political satire, Dean Macpherson, the newly appointed Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure in South Africa, has ignited controversy and amusement.

His appointment has led to discussions on social media platforms like X, leaving many South Africans and international observers scratching their heads.

Macpherson's political career has been as contentious as it has been unremarkable. Known for his lack of higher education — a trait he shares with another prominent Democratic Alliance (DA) figure, John Steenhuisen — Macpherson's rise to a ministerial position has sparked widespread debate about meritocracy, qualifications, and the perplexing tolerance of South Africans towards such political figures in the modern age.

A Controversial Figure in a Merit-Driven World

Macpherson's appointment raises significant questions in a merit-driven society where qualifications and experience are paramount. His political journey is riddled with scandals. In 2021, as the DA leader in KwaZulu-Natal, he was embroiled in a scandal involving racist posters, forcing the DA to issue an apology and prompting an investigation by the South African Human Rights Commission. Further tarnishing his reputation, Macpherson disseminated election results prematurely during the 2024 vote counting, contributing to public confusion and misinformation.

Despite these controversies, Macpherson has been elevated to the critical role of overseeing public works and infrastructure. His recent actions and statements have only fueled the fire. Macpherson's admission of being overwhelmed by his governmental role and feeling under-qualified compared to his team has become a subject of ridicule.

Economic Growth and Job Creation: Are We Chasing Shadows?

Macpherson's vision for South Africa, as he proclaims, is to transform the nation into a "massive construction site" to drive economic growth and job creation. However, this vision appears more fantastical than feasible. Large-scale infrastructure projects require immense investment, skilled labour, and meticulous planning—resources in short supply in a nation plagued by economic disparities and budgetary constraints.

The DA's focus on construction as a panacea for economic woes must be revised. Only temporary job creation through such projects guarantees long-term employment stability. Once the infrastructure projects are completed, the inevitable downturn in construction-related employment could lead to economic instability, exacerbating the issues the DA claims to address.

Environmental and Social Repercussions: At What Cost?

The ambitious drive to turn South Africa into an extensive construction site overlooks significant environmental and social repercussions. Large-scale infrastructure projects often result in environmental degradation, including deforestation, pollution, and ecosystem disruption. Prioritizing rapid development over environmental sustainability risks long-term ecological damage that could far outweigh short-term economic gains. Socially, these projects can displace communities and exacerbate existing inequalities, marginalizing the most vulnerable populations. Inclusive development that considers the needs and rights of all citizens is essential. The DA's current approach risks deepening social divides, undermining the nation's social fabric.

Socially, these projects can displace communities and exacerbate existing inequalities, marginalizing the most vulnerable populations. Inclusive development that considers the needs and rights of all citizens is essential. The DA's current approach risks deepening social divides, undermining the nation's social fabric.

Policy Transparency and Accountability: A Distant Dream or a Reassuring Reality?

In any merit-driven society, transparency and accountability are non-negotiable. The DA's policies in the Western Cape and now Nationally must be rigorously scrutinized to ensure they genuinely serve the public interest. Robust oversight mechanisms, public consultations, and independent evaluations are crucial to prevent resource mismanagement and ensure equitable development.

Why the Tolerance?

The perplexing tolerance of South Africans towards political figures like Macpherson raises uncomfortable questions. In an era where merit and qualifications are highly valued, why do such figures continue to ascend to positions of power? Is it a reflection of systemic political issues or a broader societal acceptance of mediocrity by White males who ruled South Africa since 1652?

A dynamic and inclusive Public Works Department is crucial for the equitable advancement of South Africa, focusing on empowering black people and women to drive job creation and improve the overall quality of life. By incorporating the majority of citizens into its projects and initiatives, the department can significantly increase the number of taxpayers, thereby boosting the national revenue and reducing economic inequality. Prioritizing inclusivity and diversity in public works promotes social justice and fosters a non-racist developmental trajectory. This approach aligns with South Africa's ongoing efforts to build a prosperous nation where all citizens can contribute to and benefit from economic growth.

Conclusion: Navigating Towards Sustainable Progress

While the Democratic Alliance's vision of extensive infrastructure development holds some promise for white males in Camps Bay, it also carries significant risks and potential drawbacks. South Africa needs a balanced approach integrating economic growth with environmental sustainability and social equity. The Government of National Unity Policymakers must carefully evaluate the long-term impacts of proposed projects, prioritizing all citizens' well-being and preserving the country's natural resources.

As Dean Macpherson advocates for white male policy benefits, the public and stakeholders must engage critically and constructively. Macpherson's controversial background and perceived incompetence only amplify the need for vigilance and scrutiny. Only through inclusive, transparent, and responsible governance can South Africa honestly #BuildSouthAfrica for a prosperous and sustainable future.

In a merit-driven world, ministers must be chosen not for their connections or privileges but their qualifications and ability to serve the public effectively. This is the path to a hopeful future for South Africa.

* Bayethe Msimang is an independent writer, commentator and analyst.

** The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of IOL or Independent Media.