'Enter your PIN backwards if you are robbed' email is a hoax

Published May 17, 2008


Absa has distanced itself from an email that provides bogus advice about what you should do if you are held up at an ATM.

The email claims that if you are accosted at an ATM or forced to make an ATM withdrawal from your account, you should enter your personal identification number (PIN) in reverse. According to the email, the ATM will dispense the amount you request and will also trigger an alarm at the nearest police station, and the police will respond within minutes.

Allen Mahadeo, the general manager of Absa's Self-service Channel, says the bank has become aware that an email containing incorrect information about ATM functions has been circulated.

"This ATM PIN reversal functionality does not exist at ATMs. If you choose to enter your PIN in reverse, it will result in the ATM declining the transaction with an error message of 'invalid PIN entered' displayed on the screen," he says.

If you enter your PIN incorrectly three times, the bank will automatically place a restriction on your account, which means you will not be able to use your ATM card to access your funds or make payments at till points.

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