SA entertainment duo’s vodcast is designed to put a smile on your face

Danny Painter and Jo Black on the set of their international vodcast The Jo and Danny Show. | Image: supplied.

Danny Painter and Jo Black on the set of their international vodcast The Jo and Danny Show. | Image: supplied.

Published Aug 10, 2020


Like millions of South Africans across the country, Jacaranda FM presenter Danny Painter and musician Jo Black have been confronted by distressing news during the Covid-19 lockdown.

This includes its rampant spread of Covid-19 and related deaths as well as crime and corruption over the past few months.But In a bid to offer an alternative narrative, this week the duo have launched their international vodcast, The Jo and Danny Show.

The online audio and video stream, which was purposefully initiated during Women’s Month, will focus largely on spreading positivity, motivation and human interest stories.

Painter, who is also a renowned local radio personality voice artist and event MC, explained to The Saturday Star this week thatsaid their digital offering was inspired by the likes of popular news sites such as The Good Things Guy and Beautiful News which have grown increasingly popular during these unprecedented times.

“Human beings are tired of the doom and gloom, we know there is something more – there has to be,” Painter said. She has also noticed during the lockdown that people have been struggling with anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts.

The vodcast was created to offer them some reprieve from all the despair around them.“We need something good, we need something that gives us hope, and I am hopeful that something light and motivational will be that for one person watching.”

Painter said she and her co-presenter, whose real name is Jo Engelbrecht, wanted to stay away from offering their audience a show that centred on news and current affairs.

“I realised that listening is far more important than regurgitating something I read or heard and that people need safe spaces in between the discussions, news programmes, keyboard warriors and the like. “There is a need for a space where they can retreat to be reminded of our human connection, and that there is good in the world.”

Danny Painter. | Image: supplied.

The radio personality said the vodcast was launched this month, when the country commemorated Women’s Month, because it would zoom in on friendship, kindness and genuine love for the world – topics that generally resonated with women.

“It’s important to be reminded that things haven’t necessarily changed for many many women in our country and in our world, and I feel that we need to use this month to educate ourselves and our children around the why.

“I feel that this month needs to be less about celebrating women for a day or 31, less about campaigns and more about education, highlighting what we can be better at as a society and then educating our children to be better humans towards women in the future.

“It’s all about changing the future and until women can live without fear, support themselves and each other, and raise their children safely and in an environment of peace and love. I honestly don’t see the point of another campaign celebrating women.”

While people across the world are largely confined to their homes as Covid-19 continues to spread on every continent, Painter believes that an online series is the best way to reach them.

“Digital mediums are immediate,” she said. “They are in your hands and they connect you to an increasingly disconnected world. “No matter how isolated you may be within this pandemic, or where in the world you are, you are just seconds away from a piece of music that moves you, a discussion that educates you or a conversation with someone you love.”

Painter reckons The Jo and Danny Show will be a hit in the country as well as across the globe because she and Engelbrecht will foster a genuine connection with their audience.

This comes from the vulnerability the pair have with each other which she believes will translate into those watching being able to relate to them.

Jo Black. | Image: supplied.

“Jo and I are friends first and co-hosts second. “You will hear things about each of us that you would never see on Instagram or read in a magazine and you engage with us, with other humans, both internationally famous and not, all the while speaking from a place of authenticity.

“We will challenge each other and our guests, we will laugh and cry, but we will explore these spaces together with you, and hopefully face some demons and heal some hurts along the way.”

The Jo and Danny Show airs every Wednesday, between 8pm and 9pm on XOTV and weekly on Jacaranda FM’s website.

The Saturday Star

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