Mzansi shows Lerato Kganyago some love after she admits to suffering her 5th miscarriage

Lerato Kganyago suffered a miscarriage earlier this month. Picture: Instagram

Lerato Kganyago suffered a miscarriage earlier this month. Picture: Instagram

Published Feb 22, 2024


The month of love has turned into the month of mourning for celebrity Lerato Kganyago.

The radio and TV personality, who has been inactive on social media for a while, returned to let her fans know why she has been silent.

On her Instagram Stories, Kganyago revealed that she had been pregnant and had suffered a miscarriage at the beginning of the month.

She posted a picture of the ultrasound, with Beyoncé’s “Heaven” playing in the background.

Screengrab of Kganyago’s Instagram Story.

In the follow-up, she wrote that her gynaecologist had broken the news to her on February 12 and that what was supposed to be the happiest month had quickly became the most painful.

“Pardon my silence,” she wrote.

“This was the most happiest but became the most painful part of this Month Of Love.

“Thank you to my supportive colleagues, my bosses, my family and my friends. I’m strong and will never give up.”

Screengrab of Kganyago’s Instagram Story.

She said she had been “so hopeful”, and thanked her parents who have helped her through this time.

“I am much better than last week. My parents have been next to me and have carried me! Thank you to those that have been checking on me.”

Screengrab of Kganyago’s Instagram Story.

Despite her heartbreak, she wrote: “I’m a phoenix. I will be back.”

The last Story read: “Dear Feb, you’ve hurt me!”

Kganyago has been open about having several miscarriages in the past as well. This one marks her fifth.

In 2016, she told True Love magazine that suffering from fibroids, which made it difficult for her to fall pregnant.

She also mentioned that she had suffered a miscarriage 5 months into her pregnancy in 2015.

Social media users offered their sympathies and suggested that Kganyago go the surrogacy route instead.

@Jemina_Joy_ commented: “I hope she considers a surrogate, this must heartbreaking for her.”

@TheRealQueen_B_ wrote: “Fibroids are the devil's creation💔worst thing that can ever happen to women.”

— 👑TheRealQueenBee💎🌺💅💋💄🔴Isaiah 41:10🕯️🕯️🕯♓ (@TheRealQueen_B_) February 22, 2024

@PalesaTwala6 posted: “She must try surrogacy.”