Why an increasing number of men are opting for non-invasive anti-ageing solutions

An increasing number of men are looking to aesthetic treatments in a bid to improve their appearance and to boost their self confidence. Supplied image.

An increasing number of men are looking to aesthetic treatments in a bid to improve their appearance and to boost their self confidence. Supplied image.

Published Dec 4, 2023


A leading aesthetics and anti-ageing specialist says it’s not only women undergoing non-invasive anti-ageing treatments.

In fact, Dr Reza Mia says that since starting in the field of non-invasive beauty treatment, over the past decade or so, he has seen an increase of between 10% to 40% in male patients at his clinic seeking to address common ageing concerns.

“Just as braces transformed the norm for straight teeth, cosmetic treatments for men have evolved to a prevalent practice as men notice that they are working for others and likewise want to retain a more youthful appearance,” he said.

Dr Mia, who operates an aesthetics medicine practice in Johannesburg, added that many of these men who seek cosmetic treatments are also encouraged to do so by their loved ones.

“We’ve observed a significant shift as more men are motivated by their partners or friends to visit the clinic for assessment.”

Dr. Reza Mia operates an aesthetics medicine practice in Johannesburg. Supplied image.

And while Dr Mia noted the impact that social media as well as mass media communication has had on shifting men’s perceptions of such procedures, he says that another factor influencing the rise in male interest in cosmetic treatments is improved health and higher life expectancies.

“No one wants to look older when they feel healthy on the inside; they’re still active, and they want to stay involved with society.

“Men want to move with the times and look the part, and aesthetic medical treatments can provide the positive outcomes they’re looking for”.

Dr Mia also credits the advancements in modern technology as a contributing factor, when it comes to male cosmetic procedures.

From his medical experience, he noticed that previously, men tended to avoid aesthetic procedures because they believed that it would dramatically change their appearance to look artificially altered.

“With growing awareness of these advancements, men are now more receptive to aesthetic treatments, and are looking to obtain a more natural, youthful look.

“Additionally, the psychological benefits of aesthetic treatments are driving more people to opt for non-invasive solutions that are beneficial for an overall healthier look and self-esteem.”

“Men are looking to take better care of their skin and bodies, mainly focusing on frown lines, acne-scar treatments, and hair loss.”

He says that male skin is more prone to scarring and suggests that they seek treatment if they struggle with ingrown beard hair and acne scars.

“Similar to women, many concerns men have about their skin are genetic or hormonal. But with the right treatment that is tailored to your specific skin type and problem areas, we can effectively address these areas with customised treatment options.

He added that some of their concerns were that these procedures would require significant downtime for healing.

“With advancements in treatments and the work of reputable practitioners, this is no longer the case, as treatments are minimally invasive and have fewer side effects or downtime,” he said.

Dr Mia says a common misconception regarding aesthetic procedures is the expectation that treatments will have immediate results.

“Although cosmetic treatments are fairly quick and painless, it takes time for patients to obtain the desired results.

“It’s a journey, and it takes a few treatments before you’ll see substantial changes.”

His advice for people considering treatment, is for them to be patient, and to consult a practitioner to ensure that they have all the information they need to achieve the best results.

Dr Mia also said procedures are not only for the wealthy.

“It’s more affordable than invasive cosmetic surgery and forms part of leading a healthier life.”

“We like to work with our clients to cater to their unique needs and skin concerns,” he said. “Our focus is not on what’s trendy, but rather achieving timeless beauty, and looking for what will work best for the individual when creating a treatment plan”.