5 tips to help businesses attract travel deal-seekers

A waiter at a restaurant about to serve a customer. Data shows that an increasing number of consumers are seeking out the best deals wherever they go. Picture: Pexels

A waiter at a restaurant about to serve a customer. Data shows that an increasing number of consumers are seeking out the best deals wherever they go. Picture: Pexels

Published Aug 28, 2023


Studies have shown that while many consumers are looking for the best deal, not everyone buys on price alone.

Data shows that before shopping, 90% of consumers look online for the best deals and 89% look for sales, deals, cashback rebates and the best prices, and then when shopping, the modern deal seeker actively seeks out discounts, promotions and bargains.

Deal seekers are consumers always looking for the best online, off-line and mobile deal and a large majority of the modern deal seeker movement comprises millennials and Gen-Xers who are not only looking for savings in their purchase decisions, but both value and a personal relationship with their favourite brands.

According to Premier Hotels & Resorts, while travel demand continues to climb, continued increases in inflation and rocketing airfares are stretching budgets and affecting travel plans.

“Surveys show deal shopping and low prices are the top travel criteria for consumers this year.

“Approximately 41.7 million shoppers are part of this new frugality movement – a transition from frequent purchase behaviour to thoughtful spending habits centred around an emotional connection to a brand,” said Premier Hotels & Resorts.

Here are five tips from the hotel group on how businesses in the travel and tourism industry can leverage this behaviour to their advantage.

Know your audience

According to the hotel group, knowing your audience is crucial to attracting deal seekers to your business.

“Families, millennials, business travellers, and solo travellers may be seeking different types of deals, so target your offers accordingly,” said Premier Hotels.

Deal seekers love freebies

When it comes to increasing traffic to your business, the group highlighted that deal seekers love freebies.

“Free breakfast ranks high as a desired amenity. With the increase in food prices, this appears to be more attractive than ever. And the buffet is back! Consider being generous with free room upgrades during your non-peak booking days,” said Premier Hotels.

The hotel group also highlighted that free wi-fi should be standard and that companies should try to seek out mutually beneficial business partnerships and consider offering free vouchers or coupons to museums, sporting events, spa treatments, boat rides, fishing venues, etc.

Early check-in

According to Premier Hotels & Resorts, for accommodation businesses, early check-in could be another way into a deal seeker’s heart.

“Accept early check-ins when you can, as any chance to extend a trip will feel like a deal,” said the hotel group.

Offer flash deals

Premier Hotels & Resorts said that many deal seekers wait it out for last-minute deals and short-stay packages or winter deals.

“Don’t forget to utilise mobile marketing, and social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok for these time-sensitive offers.

“And if you have relationships with social media influencers, make sure that they are aware of your deals and as you offer ways to reward them for spreading the word,” said the hotel group.

Beef up loyalty programmes

And finally, when it comes to attracting deal seekers to your establishment, beef up your loyalty programmes.

“Loyalty programmes encourage repeat business and may offer opportunities for say enticing a loyal business traveller to also become a leisure traveller, or vice versa,” said Premier Hotels & Resorts.