Independent Media's withdrawal from Press Council driven by commitment to media freedom

Adri Senekal de Wet is the Editor-in-Chief at Independent Media.

Adri Senekal de Wet is the Editor-in-Chief at Independent Media.

Published 4h ago


On 23 October 2024, the Press Council of South Africa (PCSA) took the drastic step of announcing the expulsion of Independent Media. First and foremost, it is crucial to understand this: we were not expelled by the Press Council.

Our decision to withdraw was deliberate and driven by our commitment to media freedom and independence. The Press Council's recent narrative that suggests otherwise is not only misleading but a clear attempt to save face.

Let’s break it down clearly: Independent Media has always stood firmly for the principles of independent journalism and media freedom. Over the past months, we have increasingly found that the Press Council has not acted in ways that support these values. Instead, the Council has been influenced by individuals and institutions with vested interests, many of which remain anonymous. These interests are not aligned with the public good or journalistic integrity.

A key issue for us is transparency. The Press Council is quick to demand accountability from media houses like ours but fails to provide transparency regarding its own funders. We ask a simple but important question: Whose interests are really being served? Over time, the Council has inundated us with legal complaints, many of which are baseless.

This feels like a deliberate attempt to distract us from producing the kind of fearless journalism our country needs. We cannot allow ourselves to be bogged down by these continuous, time-consuming, and costly battles that serve only to stifle our independence. The Press Council’s claim that we were "expelled" is entirely false. Their narrative is an attempt to twist the truth and misrepresent the situation.

We chose to withdraw because we believe in maintaining the integrity of our work, and we will not allow any external institution to dictate how we operate or compromise our editorial independence. At Independent Media, we are proud to uphold the values of free speech, media freedom, and journalistic integrity. Our commitment to telling the truth and giving voice to all perspectives is stronger than ever.

The re-establishment of our own Group Ombud Office, led by former editor-in-chief Aneez Salie and supported by respected attorney Ighsaan Higgins, is our proactive step to continue upholding high standards of accountability and ethical journalism.

We do not need an external body to tell us how to act responsibly. It is indeed a sad day for media freedom in South Africa. The Press Council’s actions—both in expelling us and in failing to defend journalistic independence—make it clear that they are more aligned with the interests of media monopolies, like Media24, than with those of the public. Our resolve to uphold the truth and fight for the freedoms guaranteed in our Constitution remains steadfast. We will continue to produce the independent, fearless journalism that our democracy demands.

* Senekal de Wet is Editor-in-Chief, Independent Media

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