‘Born Into Fame’ - expert raw version of celebrity cast

Robbie Malinga Jr dishes on being ‘Born Into Fame’. Picture: Supplied

Robbie Malinga Jr dishes on being ‘Born Into Fame’. Picture: Supplied

Published Jun 23, 2024


The first episode of ‘Born Into Fame’ premiered on Showmax, giving viewers a front-row seat into the lives of young local stars with famous parents as they navigate their own paths and achieve success.

The star-studded cast includes AJ Mafokate and Owami Mafokate, who are both Arthur Mafokate’s children; Phila Madlingozi, who is the son of Ringo Madlingozi; Robbie Malinga Jr, who is the son of the late Robbie Malinga; Shamiso Mosaka, who is Azania Mosaka’s daughter; and last but not least, Tank The Rockstar, who is DJ Tira’s son.

Malinga Jr shares interesting details on being born into fame, its privileges and disadvantages.

“I would describe being born into fame as a privilege because it is not a norm, it is a blessing, and it is something that can help you spread light and reach your full potential.

“There are many privileges to being born into fame. For example, my father was famous, and all that has been great is something I am able to leverage from his success.

“Let’s say I need to do something. There are contacts that he may have made that I can use, so it is easier for me to connect with people because they know him.

“I think the biggest disadvantage is getting excessive attention from the public eye. Even when it is not needed, there is always someone looking at you and your life. You become very recognisable, so you don’t have a lot of time when you can just have downtime.”

Asked if he had any regrets while shooting the show, he said: “Absolutely no regrets; I had so much fun shooting the show. It reminded me of how comfortable I am in my own skin. It was a nice experience for me, and I am looking forward to seeing what the future holds for me, where I can do more and be myself. I am always free and raw, and that is how people will relate to me.”

Malinga encouraged viewers to watch the programme further, stating that it is uncensored and will provide a diverse viewpoint for a large number of viewers.

“People should watch to see a raw version of what our lives are like. The show is all raw, and for me personally, I showed up as myself, a regular person who is down to earth, so if people want to see a different perspective, they should watch. It’s also just a very entertaining show with different characters.”

The Star