SACP looks forward to new challenges in 2023

The SACP flag. Picture: Motshwari Mofokeng

The SACP flag. Picture: Motshwari Mofokeng

Published Dec 28, 2022


Johannesburg - The SACP has stated that their goal is to deepen the struggle with and for workers and the poor, developing as a vanguard force to achieve immediate goals and protect the working class's future.

The Communist Party said that deepening the democratic struggle, transformation, and development to overcome the high levels of unemployment and poverty is essential to advancing South Africa towards shared prosperity.

“This requires strengthening the power and widening unity of the working class and tackling economic exploitation and inequality. A powerful, socialist movement of the workers and poor is essential for South Africa to advance towards shared prosperity, including lifting the poor out of poverty, creating employment at scale, and systematically ending inequality,” the party said.

“In our communities and the policy space, we will take forward the Land, Food, and Work Campaign we launched in 2022 under the banner of the Red October Campaign. This campaign will make a difference in the quality of life of our people through advancing towards accelerated land redistribution, food security and the right to work for all.”

The SACP also highlighted the problems of load shedding that have plagued South Africans for several years now and said the government needs to urgently turn the situation around, overcome the immediate energy crisis, and ensure a just transition in all respects.

“This will go a long way in addressing problems such as de-industrialisation, unemployment, and stagnant growth.

“The SACP will continue to support the workers across the economy, the public sector included, in their efforts to improve their conditions and defend their hard-won gains, including collective bargaining,” added the SACP.

They said that moving forward, the party will advance the struggle for gender equality by, among other things, purposefully aiming at achieving women’s emancipation as an apex priority, and fighting gender-based violence and crime in communities and the economy.

“Together with the workers and poor, we will advance the struggle to tackle the economic and social problems affecting the youth.

“Internationally, we are facing serious challenges from the deepening crisis of global capitalism. This is expressed through the exercise of force by Western imperialist powers, who want to continue their world domination and exploitation, inflicting more misery, in addition to the legacy of colonialism,” said the SACP statement.

They pointed out the new “geostrategic shifts”, world power and interstate relations that have “shaken the Western imperialist powers, exposing their weaknesses”.

“This is taking place in an ever-changing international atmosphere of contest, co-operation and shifts threatening to end the unipolar world dominance by the US-led imperialist powers,” read the party statement.

The Star

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