The Casablanca Conference: Africa’s call for Unity

New Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to South Africa Youssef Amrani. Photo: Supplied.

New Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to South Africa Youssef Amrani. Photo: Supplied.

Published May 25, 2022


Youssef Amrani

Today we are celebrating across the continent our affiliation to one and the same broad African family. A family, of over a billion people sharing beyond geography, same visions, hope and destinies.

For all us Africans, this day holds a very particular meaning, that reflects on a long-standing and deep-rooted belief in African Unity. A belief that the founding fathers of our continental organization fought for courageously decades ago with an unmatched spirit of fraternity, liberty, and solidarity.

As we are celebrating today Africa day, we are indeed celebrating this very same legacy. Let’s us raise to this heritage by being proud, responsible, strong and committed Africans.

From the Casablanca conference in 1961 to nowadays a lot has changed, but not our core values. Morocco believed strongly, since the very beginning in an ambitious pan African Project. His Majesty late King Mohammed V, and after His Majesty late king Hassan 2 have spared no effort to initiate, strengthen and elevate this `African Unity from a dream to a reality. Since then, Morocco has never shifted from this priority staying headstrong in its belief in Africa and African unity thanks to the leadership of King Mohammed VI.

Let us not forget today, that we still have a long way to go. Complex Security and economic challenges are gaining territory and pose a serious threat to the stability of our Continent. They are more and more interrelated, fast-evolving and are hampering our capacities for development, peace and security.

Africa needs to operate a shift in its global efforts towards achieving a fair and just, socio-economic development. Our joint actions must focus continually on social justice, democracy, human development and the provisions of jobs and work opportunities for our youth. Only then, will we be able to reach a level of stability and put together the conditions for a more prosperous and audacious continent.

Africa requires more than ever peace and growth to sustain the Continent’s path towards progress. But Peace and growth requires us African to willingly and unconditionally chose unity over division, and dialogue over political misconduct or manipulation. The Time of failed ideologies has come to an end. The people of Africa need relevant leaderships, that put the human dimension at the center of any national or continental policies

Today, the AU must provide this space that unites ambitions and pools strategies. Its role is crucial to express a continental vision which breaks with past approaches. The AU must be the locomotive of an Africa that moves forward, an Africa that trusts itself and an Africa that evolves. Our countries and our policy makers must endeavor to respond to the multifaceted challenges that we are currently facing. It is crucial to level up our responses to issues such has heath, debt management, social policies, migration, and security threats.

Africa needs to change its software in order to promote successful policies based on good governance and innovation. We need to protect the most vulnerable of us and always provide our people with trustworthy, relevant and lasting solutions. It is this very same ambition that foreshadows AU flagships project as for example the African free trade agreement.

In any way, The Kingdom of Morocco will continue to place this core ambition at the heart of its priorities. His Majesty King Mohammed VI’s leadership has made the emergence of Africa not a mere perspective but a concrete objective part of a global strategy, inclusive vision, and responsible approach. Let’s us gear up our common commitment, with the Hope and Ambitions we all share. Africa is our house and our future.

* Amrani is the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to South Africa

The Star

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