Allyship takes centre stage at Momentum #SheOwnsHerSuccess masterclass

Nelson Muffuh, resident coordinator of the United Nations in South Africa; Makentse Mampeule, entrepreneur and former co-founder of the Mampeule Foundation; and MC Rorisang Thandekiso. | Supplied

Nelson Muffuh, resident coordinator of the United Nations in South Africa; Makentse Mampeule, entrepreneur and former co-founder of the Mampeule Foundation; and MC Rorisang Thandekiso. | Supplied

Published Aug 22, 2024


Momentum, a leading financial services provider, recently hosted the second day of its annual #SheOwnsHerSuccess masterclass, focusing on external factors that influence a woman’s journey to success, particularly in entrepreneurship and relationships.

A highlight of the event was the conversation on allyship, titled “Brothers for Sisters in the Boardroom” and featuring Nelson Muffuh, the resident co-ordinator of the UN in South Africa, and Makentse Mampeule, an entrepreneur and the former co-founder of the Mampeule Foundation.

The discussion, moderated by broadcaster and MC Rorisang Thandekiso, delved into the concept of allyship and its critical role in advancing women in the workplace.

According to a 2022 survey conducted by Momentum in partnership with AskAfrica, occupational success remains the area where women face the highest barriers.

Muffuh emphasised that allyship was about men or partners who actively listened, supported and removed obstacles to a woman’s success.

“Allyship is fundamentally about collaboration to create something better for each other and humanity,” Muffuh said. “It’s as simple as someone who listens, cares and wants you to win.”

When discussing the practical application of allyship in professional environments, Muffuh stressed the importance of addressing existential issues like climate change and food security, which required a joint effort by both genders.

He said research consistently showed that more equal, inclusive and diverse organisations achieved better results.

“Decisions made in a boardroom – a power table – matter. It’s crucial for men to support women in securing a seat at that table, influencing decisions on suppliers, employment and strategic direction.”

Mampeule expanded on this by highlighting how men could use their societal privilege to assist women in their success.

“An ally is someone who recognises their own privilege and uses their voice or position to uplift others.”

Mampeule shared how allies had supported her in her entrepreneurial journey, noting: “Allies are sponsors who speak for you when you're not present. They place your products in the spotlight and pull you into opportunities, often seeing potential in you that you may not recognise yourself.”

Other notable speakers included journalist Mpho Sithole, who shared how her journey through grief inspired her entrepreneurial pursuits. Psychologist Dr Bakhe Dlamini and author and financial wellness coach Samke Mhlongo engaged in a robust conversation on how managing marital dynamics could impact a woman’s path to success.

For those interested in the practical tips and insights shared during the event, Momentum has made resources available on their Brand Resource Centre, accessible through its website.