Pathologist’s orange cake with frosting wins over judges at The Oyster Box Bake-Off competition

Krishnee Moodley. Picture: Nqobile Mbonambi/Independent Newspapers

Krishnee Moodley. Picture: Nqobile Mbonambi/Independent Newspapers

Published May 10, 2024


Krishnee Moodley hailed victorious at The Oyster Box Bake-Off competition held earlier today. Her orange cake with orange frosting gained high accolades with the judges.

Moodley, 51, said her friend, Brindha Ramkylas, encouraged her to enter.

“My friend told me to enter because she loved the way I baked. She loves my orange flavoured cake, so I decided to make this one for the competition,” said Moodley, a pathologist from Glenwood.

“I didn’t expect to win but I am excited and still in shock.”

Jayshree Reddy placed second and Sharae Zwart, third.

There was also a special mention cake winner. Tyrene Pillay won this prize for her bunny chow inspired cake. On the outside it resembled a bunny chow but on the inside, was a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.

The other contestants included: Alanis Naidoo who made a Ying and Yang cake; Velencia Pillay with a Matilda themed chocolate cake; 16-year-old Emily Briggerman with a white chocolate pistachio rose cake; and Devanya Govender with chocolate cupcakes.

Bakers from KwaZulu-Natal were able to enter their "baked delights" into the competition with the hope of winning the coveted title. This year, after a four year hiatus, 31 baked delights were entered into the competition by various bakers.

Earlier today, each cake was tasted and scored out of five based on look, texture, taste and consistency.

The first prize is a two nights’ accommodation, inclusive of breakfast, at The Oyster Box for two people sharing.


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