5 ways to switch off during your next holiday

Taking a well-deserved break has become more important than ever. Picture: Pexels

Taking a well-deserved break has become more important than ever. Picture: Pexels

Published Aug 17, 2021


How many of us switch off during a holiday? Like, completely switch off? Switching off can be difficult, but it is necessary.

According to Shaun Lamont, the managing director of First Group Hotels and Resorts, taking a well-deserved break has become more important than ever.

“Going on holiday is the equivalent of sending your brain in for its annual service. You wouldn’t let your car skip its annual check-up and risk a breakdown on the highway, so why do this to your body?

“Ensuring that you maximise the health benefits thereof by totally embracing the moment,” he said.

He shares five tips to switch off during your next holiday:

Do a proper handover to your stand-in: The key to a successful stress-free, work-free holiday is a comprehensive handover. Having someone help with your workload while you are away will help you to enjoy a much-needed break. And, before you go, make sure to set your out-of-office message and update your voicemail.

Turn off your phone: In a very technological, fast-paced world, turning off your phone may be frowned upon. No, putting it on silent just won’t cut it. Your phone is always screaming for your attention, so vow to check it once a day.

Take time to unwind: Try to do as little as possible during a holiday. Although you may want to squeeze in a few activities, also laze at the pool, read a book or take an afternoon siesta. You don’t want to feel like you need a holiday from your holiday, said Lamont.

Pick the right accommodation: Where you stay can affect your entire holiday experience, Lamont said. “If you are travelling with children, make sure you go to a child-friendly resort. If you are going away without the kids, consider a quieter hotel/resort,” he said.

Be present: Delay the desire to post every photo on social media. Be present in every moment and make lasting, magical memories with your loved ones.

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