You get a pizza, you get a pizza, everyone gets a pizza! Pilot diverts plane, buys pizza for passengers

An American Airlines pilot decided to spoil his passengers with pizza after his flight diverted. Picture: Michael Beasley/Twitter.

An American Airlines pilot decided to spoil his passengers with pizza after his flight diverted. Picture: Michael Beasley/Twitter.

Published May 7, 2021


Plane diversions and delays are just some of the things that would irk travellers. And, it seems a slice of pizza is all it takes to make it okay.

An American Airlines pilot who had to divert to Charleston due to harsh weather conditions decided to spoil his passengers with pizza.

The American Eagle, a regional branch of American Airlines, faced a few hiccups before it departed from Key West in Florida – taking off 40 minutes later than normal due to the weather.

Once on its way to Charlotte in North Carolina, the pilot encountered severe weather issues when the flight diverted to Charleston.

Once on land, the pilot, identified as John, ordered pizza surprising guests.

One of the passengers Michael Beasley posted a picture on Twitter.

— Michael Beasley (@MBeasleyMD) May 5, 2021

He posted: "Yesterday (May 5) we got delayed for weather mid-air, eventually diverted for fuel. While we were stopped the pilot literally ordered pizza for the whole plane … what?! How does one order dominoes to a plane? We were on the tarmac, not even at a gate! 10/10." (sic)

In the comments, he said, "I mean it's free pizza after a multi hour travel delay … it was amazing!" (sic)

Another traveller James Chipshop said he was also given pizza after a delay at Newark on board a Delta flight to Heathrow.

"I’ve never seen so many delayed passengers have their mood immediately uplifted," he said. (sic)

An American Airlines spokesperson told the Independent that they were proud of the airline's team and its regional partners, including Republic’s crew members.

"Rain or shine, our team consistently proves they’re the best in the business," the airline spokesman said.

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