Cape Town Cycle Tour veteran’s 43rd race

Stephen Stefano (left) with the bicycle he completed his first 16 Cape Town Cycle Tour races. Pictured with him is Francois du Toit who built the bicycle. Picture: Supplied

Stephen Stefano (left) with the bicycle he completed his first 16 Cape Town Cycle Tour races. Pictured with him is Francois du Toit who built the bicycle. Picture: Supplied

Published Oct 10, 2021


Stephen Stefano has participated in every single Cape Town Cycle Tour since its inception in 1978 and today he will compete in his 43rd race.

The cycling veteran has been pedalling since the age of ten years old when he had to cycle to school and did his first cycle tour in 1978.

Stefano said he enjoys the freedom of being out on the road.

“The freedom that a simple bicycle gives can take you to places, where all your senses interact with nature, I enjoy the most.”

At 57, Stefano enjoys meeting like-minded people on cycling events.

“We are outdoors and away from the built-up concrete jungle,” he said.

Stefano said partaking in cycling events has helped him keep his finger on the pulse.

“(It) is a great way to test your fitness and to test your strength.”

His love for cycling has enabled him to travel across many countries including France, Germany, Portugal and Switzerland.

“The bicycle has taken me across many places. Hopefully one day, I will ride the Cairo to Cape Town Tour d’Afrique.”

The Cape Town cyclist said the most challenging part about being a cyclist was balance in life.

“It is important to get into a routine of cycling and keep that consistent with the bigger picture.

“There must be a balance between family life, career, friends and other interests.”

To overcome this challenge, Stefano slotted cycling time in his diary.

“I inform family members about events on the horizon in advance.

“I try to make them part of the decision-making process and include them in events where I can.”

To prepare for a race, Stefano remains active through cycling consistently.

“Change to an easier gear, if the going gets tough. Don’t give up something that you enjoy.”

Stefano said he looked forward to participating in the 43rd Cape Town Cycle Tour as lockdown has been tough on everyone.

“It will be great meeting up with all cyclists and especially Club 21 Members on Sunday.”

Club 21 is the cycling club that Stefano started for cyclists that have ridden 21 or more Cape Cycle Tours.

His advice to aspiring or beginner cyclists was to enjoy the day out on their bicycle.

“Take it easy to Cape Point and save energy for Chapman’s Peak and Suikerbossie.

“Remember to snack more in the first half and sip your water and energy drinks constantly.”

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